Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Granny in the park

Out around the common with Granny


Visiting Gramps & Grandma for the last time in Lincoln

The NCT babies

Miller with the NCT crew.  He was upset he wasn't sat next to the girls.

Darby Springate's 1st birthday

Party in London Fields

Bank holiday in Brighton

We took the bairn down to Brighton on Easter Sunday

Friday, 24 April 2009

The Donalds meet Miller

Peggy, Mike, Martyn & Liz come to visit Miller

6 weeks old

And growing up fast

Thursday, 23 April 2009

It's a hard life

We tried to keep him in the shade, but he liked the warmth of the sun on his feet

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Bath time

Miller loves it in the Tummy Tub

Friday, 10 April 2009

Daddy & Miller

Dad and his boy

5 weeks old

And Millers hair is falling out.  Still a good looking lad though : )

In the Baby Bouncer

With his wrist & feet rattles on.  Still getting used to it, and not sure about it yet!

Mummy's birthday

Miller and Mum on Natasha's birthday

With Auntie Ali

Cuddles from Auntie Alison.  Check Miller's first pair of sneaks.

Great Grandma

Granny, Grandad and Great Grandma Thornton came down to visit last week and bought lots of presents for Miller