Sunday, 31 May 2009

Miller's Crib

Welcome to my crib!

Mag for life

We put Miller in his Toon kit to bring us luck, but it wasn't enough. Newcastle are relegated, but he'll support them ever more.

Miller's first sneaks

Miller has started his trainer collection to compete with Daddy.  This first pair came courtesy of Uncle Joel.

Kew Gardens

Dad had Friday off work, so the three of us spent a very sunny day in Kew Gardens.

Friday, 15 May 2009

The Good Life.

Who ate all the milk...? Miller and his middle age spread.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Miller 9 weeks old

Growing up fast.

Miller in the big boy's bed

Miller sleeps in his big cot now

Thorntons in Center Parcs

The three of us hit CP